Global Ambassadors

Alma Cooper

Alma Cooper is the 2024 Miss USA, previously Miss Michigan USA 2024. She was an Army Officer and attended West Point U.S. Miltary Academy and now attends Stanford University as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar studying statistics in the data science track. 

We are so excited to have Ms. Cooper on the uEmpower team. Together, we are working to empower young girls worldwide.

Naya Triesha

Hello! My name is Naya Triesha, Miss Remaja Jawa Timur 2023. I’m so excited and happy to be a part of uEmpower, to help every women reach they highest dream, whatever they wanted to be. 

With my advocacy and programme for my pageant world, I always want everyone have same opportunity, same chances, to make their goals possible, especially for young girls and woman. I will work with uEmpower to make a change for the future.

UmaSofia Srivastava

UmaSofia Srivastava is the first Mexican-Indian Miss Teen USA, and the first contestant from NJ to win Miss Teen USA. One day, UmaSofia hopes to become a UN ambassador. She works with the Lotus Petal Foundation to help underprivileged children in India receive a well rounded education, proper nutrition and healthcare. UmaSofia also collected over 1000 books for the Bridge of Books Foundation to donate to inner-city kids in New Jersey.

She authored and illustrated her book, The White Jaguar, to inspire people of all ages to embrace what makes them unique. Throughout the book there are four languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, and French – all of which she speaks.

UmaSofia is a pianist and runs her own blog, That’s Fan Behavior, where she writes about her experience as a woman of color and current events. UmaSofia is the co-founder of the Diversity & Inclusion campaign at her school, a Kind Campaign leader, and also participates in Mock Trial and Model UN.

Local/State Ambassadors