October 27, 2024 • Pennsylvania United States
A piece of poetry...
Author: Irene Biju
Gold accents line the halls
Champagne glasses mold onto hands
A buzz lingers in the air
A silent prayer hangs on everybody’s lips
There is no room for mistakes
No room for error
There is barely any room to speak
Divine silverware line the tables
As tart pastries cling onto plates
Glistening spoons and spotless goblets
Taunt those who dare to test their manners
There is no room for smears
No room for splatters
There is barely any room to eat
Pristine soldiers line the corridor
Poker faces paint their uniform expressions
Blinding lights and velvet carpets
Lead up to the throne that stares at the audience
There is no room for mis-steps
No room for stumbles
There is barely any room to walk
Ironed dresses line the closets
Lead make-up clutters the vanities
Complete with torturous heels, stiff corsets
And hair pins that seep into the skull
There is no room for wrinkles
No room for blemishes
There is barely any room to breathe
Irene Biju - uEmpower State Ambassador